Fashion Stylist | 1 Spring Outfit, 4 NEW Looks

Fashion Stylist | 1 Spring Outfit, 4 NEW Looks One of the biggest challenges people have with their wardrobe is how to put outfits together. It can be difficult due to either having way to many clothes with-in the wardrobe, feeling overwhelmed not being able to tie everything together or they happen to be missing some key items that will pull outfits together with what they currently own. Or they just might need a brand new wardrobe.... whatever the case may be I like to suggest capsule wardrobes, when clients don't have an overwhelming amount of clothes but just enough to create multi-functional outfits.  In my latest YouTube I wanted to share a fun Spring (trendy) outfit I added to my wardrobe but was able to re-purpose into 4 outfits. Check it out below! BACK TO BLOG LIBRARY

Fashion Stylist | 1 Spring Outfit, 4 NEW Looks

Fashion Consultant | My Spring Personal Shopping List

Fashion Consultant | My Spring Personal Shopping List September 13, 2019 Each season I create a shopping list for myself with what I need (and a couple of wants) to add to my wardrobe. A similar shopping list is created for all Mabelle Style clients. The reason a shopping list is so important is to support clients from making bad purchases, buying items you do not need and help avoid impulse shopping. Check out my personal shopping list for this Spring / Summer season as well as some inspo below! Be mindful that every client's shopping list can look different based on their personal style and needs. I usually focus on a refresh of basics and a couple of very seasonal/trendy pieces to kick up my overall neutral wardrobe. This season I didn't add any accessories such as jewelry, hats, handbags as I felt I currently have a good assortment. BACK TO BLOG LIBRARY

Fashion Consultant | My Spring Personal Shopping List

Personal Stylist | Shop Spring Must-haves From Aritzia

Personal Stylist - Shop Spring Must-Haves From Aritzia When it’s time to pull styles for clients, choosing from many different labels, I often select Aritzia, a brand favorite. They fall into a mid-range price point. Aritzia carries products for every age, as well as having items for every walk of life (gym-wear to business-wear.) If you find yourself searching online right now, and are wondering what you should be shopping for as the seasons change, then take note that it’s time to get back to wearing some cute spring looks! I’ve put together the top trends & must-haves of the season, all coming from the Vancouver based brand Aritzia! (They currently have free shipping on all orders). THE BERMUDA SHORT CROCHET TIERED DRESS / SKIRT SATIN NEON WIDE LEG DENIM BACK TO BLOG LIBRARY

Personal Stylist | Shop Spring Must-haves From Aritzia

Personal Stylist | Avoid Impulse Buys!

Personal Stylist - Avoid Impulse Buys! Impulse purchases will be one of the main reasons you struggle with piecing together outfits with-in your wardrobe. These items take up closet space and usually don't add value to creating a full look. If you tend to have a lot of items but not actual outfits than it's more than likely you shop on impulse. What is an impulse buy? An item you bought because the price was right, something you purchased due to it being very on trend in that moment or pressure from friends to make a purchase because they loved the item. How can you avoid impulse buys and start buying pieces that will benefit your wardrobe, create outfits and maybe even lead to multi-functional capsule wardrobe. Style tip Never go shopping without a plan! Plan ahead by creating a personal shopping list. This is the first step a personal stylist will do before shopping with each individual client. We create a seasonal list with the client that is cohesive to the needs of their wardrobe. What is missing in the closet that will help build outfits? Those items get added. Next step, what are a couple of items we can add to the list that fall under trends this season? This helps spice up the basics for each

Personal Stylist | Avoid Impulse Buys!
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