Personal Stylist – Avoid Impulse Buys!
February 15, 2025
Impulse purchases will be one of the main reasons you struggle with piecing together outfits with-in your wardrobe. These items take up closet space and usually don’t add value to creating a full look. If you tend to have a lot of items but not actual outfits than it’s more than likely you shop on impulse.
What is an impulse buy? An item you bought because the price was right, something you purchased due to it being very on trend in that moment or pressure from friends to make a purchase because they loved the item.
How can you avoid impulse buys and start buying pieces that will benefit your wardrobe, create outfits and maybe even lead to multi-functional capsule wardrobe.
Style tip
Never go shopping without a plan! Plan ahead by creating a personal shopping list. This is the first step a personal stylist will do before shopping with each individual client. We create a seasonal list with the client that is cohesive to the needs of their wardrobe. What is missing in the closet that will help build outfits? Those items get added. Next step, what are a couple of items we can add to the list that fall under trends this season? This helps spice up the basics for each season. (Notice I said only a couple of on-trend items)
If your interested in seeing what will be going into my personal closet this Spring, keep an eye out! I like to share my seasonal personal shopping list on the blog :)