Shop Designer Handbags
Designer handbags, some would think why on earth would I ever spend that kind of money on a handbag? Others wonder how can I introduce a luxury handbag into my wardrobe, where do I start? And then there is some who have been building a specific designer handbag collection over the years that continues to increase in value. (Think Chanel)
The most important area of expertise I can help with here, is to first share why I think you should purchase a designer bag and secondly how to take the first step (you can always hire a stylist to guide you as well;)
Why I think having a designer handbag is good for your wardrobe: It doesn’t matter what the outfit is that you’re wearing, it could be as simple as a $15 t-shirt & some classic jeans, a designer bag will have a style impact/elevation to your overall look. The bag doesn’t need to be heavy in branding or logo’s, like some might think. The goal is to have lux fabrics, rich colours (camel, cream & black are perfect for your first purchase) and a shape/size that works for your lifestyle. Overall your new bag will take your personal style and kick it up a notch.
When taking the first step to making a purchase like this, you want to think about the style of bag that is most cohesive to your lifestyle. What style would you prefer to wear most? I wear cross body bags all the time so my hands are free when working with clients or when out and about with my 5 yr old. Some clients need totes for everyday to and from work, others prefer a shoulder bag as a personal style choice.
The second step is to think about what size of bag is needed, how much needs to go into the bag? Cellphone, keys & lip balm or maybe you need that tote because you carry a 14″ laptop daily. Maybe, you would just like a small bag for evenings out and date nights. I share all these ideas because it ties into the price per wear of the bag. In general, you want to be mindful of price per wear when shopping and when you’re investing in a nice bag it’s going to cost a bit more, you want to ensure it’s something you are using frequently.
You now might be thinking …. how much does a designer bag cost? It does vary, with brands and sizes of the bag. To give you a general idea of a range, anywhere form $2500-$5000 is a good budget for your first designer bag.
I’ve shared some images below showing how you can elevate your look with some of my favorite designer bags.
As I stylist I’m researching and shopping for pieces all the time. Want to save time & have guidance on making the right choice for your next handbag? Contact your personal stylist HERE