New Year’s Resolution In Style
This isn’t my normal blog, sharing fashion tips and styling tricks. Instead I’m sharing the impact a stylist can have on your New Year’s goals.
For years and years New Years has always been a time to think about areas we can improve, spending time differently, manifesting new goals, focusing on change. Often, there is an area of those goals that is about eating healthy, going to the gym, getting some type of exercise and so on. I think all of those ever so popular goals can be great, but they are goals that sometimes fall short as you’re getting into the 2nd or 3rd month of the year. Wouldn’t it be nice to instead focus on goals that can be maintained through out the year, and more importantly choose something that can make you feel great with out having to change your current life. One of the best parts about being a stylist is hearing how confident and elevated clients feel and look after working with a stylist, they don’t need to lose weight or be taken out of their comfort zone, instead the stylist (me!) takes time to get to know the clients personal goals. Finding out what they will feel comfortable in and most importantly I will teach clients how to find clothes that fit great for their current shapes & size. Begin the year with a fresh, organised, current wardrobe (great way to start.) Then look into building outfits that are interchangeable and suit your 2024 personal goals of feeling confident in your own skin!